Co-op High-5 Recipes: Spring Edition!

It’s a springy, food-waste-busting, super yummy edition of our Co-op High-5 Recipes! Featuring ready-made Co-op ingredients, these recipes will make your life easier, 同时保持良好的平衡, 有营养的, 非常美味.


Inspired by Korean bibimbap (translated to simply mixed rice with meat and assorted vegetables), these boneless short rib bowls are made extra easy with help from our 肉 Department!


  • Co-op Marinated Boneless Korean Short Ribs

  • 蒸白米饭

  • 一束西兰花

  • 你最喜欢的泡菜

  • Fried egg – cooked to your liking, 可选

Additional pantry ingredients: soy sauce, sesame seeds, green onions


  1. Prepare your rice on either the stove or in a rice cooker

  2. While the rice is cooking, preheat your oven’s broiler on high.

  3. Remove your short ribs and put them on a baking sheet fitted with a wire rack. Once the broiler is hot, place your short ribs directly under the broiler for 5 minutes.

  4. Meanwhile, place your broccolini in a large skillet filled with 2 inches of water. Bring water to a boil and cook until bright green, 1-2 minutes. 沥干备用.

  5. Remove the short ribs from the oven, flip, and put them under the broiler for another 5 minutes.

  6. Immediately after flipping the short ribs, prepare your fried egg to your liking. Be mindful of timing so that your egg isn’t done too soon.

  7. 煎蛋的时候, heat some olive oil in the same skillet you used to boil the broccolini. Once heated, add the broccolini and cook until just heated through 2-3 minutes. 用盐和胡椒粉调味.

  8. Remove the short ribs from the oven. Divide the rice between 2 plates, and top with broccolini, short ribs, fried egg, and kimchi.

  9. Add extra soy sauce, sesame seeds, and green onion if desired.

罗勒 & 胡萝卜香蒜沙司

你如何使用你的胡萝卜顶部? If they typically end up in the compost, try turning them into something delicious instead! In the spirit of Earth Month and reducing food waste, try adding this carrot top pesto to pasta, 三明治, 汤, or just a slice of toasty Co-op bread.


  • 2杯包装好的罗勒叶

  • 1 cup of coarsely chopped carrot tops

  • 1/3杯松子

  • 3/4杯新鲜磨碎的帕尔马干酪

  • 3瓣大蒜


  1. Add basil, carrot tops, pine nuts, parmesan, and garlic to a food processor or blender. Pulse until the ingredients are well chopped.

  2. Scrape down the sides of the food processor and reattach the lid. With the food processor or blender running, slowly pour in 1/3 cup of olive oil. Slowly add more olive oil for a smoother pesto.

  3. Store in a sealed jar in the fridge for up to a week!

Southwest Black Bean + Mushroom Burger

‘Tis the season for light, springy dinners meant to be enjoyed in warmer weather. Utilizing some of our favorite 熟食店 items, these Vegetarian-friendly burgers will be loved by veggies and meat eaters alike.


  • 皇冠博彩黑豆+蘑菇肉饼

  • Co-op Sesame Brioche Bun (or Potato Roll)

  • 墨西哥辣辣椒酱

  • 豆芽

  • 黄瓜


  1. 收集并准备蔬菜.

  2. Heat your burger patties in a skillet over medium heat.

  3. 当馅饼在加热的时候, toast your buns under a broiler in the oven or in a toaster oven, 可选.

  4. Spread the chipotle sauce on the buns, add the patties and toppings, and enjoy!


  • If you want to add even more veg to this plant-based burger, 切西红柿, and leafy greens would be an excellent accompaniment.

  • Make it a complete meal with the Co-op’s Creole Yams, available in our 熟食店!


我们都有过这样的经历. You enthusiastically buy a big bag of root veggies when they’re on sale, and suddenly you’ve found yourself with more than you can eat before they get wrinkly and sprout up a new plant entirely.

So instead of tossing them in the compost bin, try turning them into something you can snack on to your heart’s desire… root veggie chips!


  • 4大根类蔬菜 any combination of carrots, parsnips, sweet potatoes, potatoes, celery root, and beets. Whatever you have taking up space in your fridge!

  • 1茶匙蒜粉

  • 1茶匙洋葱粉

Additional pantry ingredients: your choice of oil for frying, 2 tsp salt


  1. 洗净并去皮. Slice them very thin – about 1/16-inch thick with a mandolin. 一把非常锋利的刀也可以.

  2. Fill a large bowl with ice water and add your sliced vegetables. 让它们静置30分钟.

  3. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 150 F or turn on the warm hold function if your oven has it.

  4. Heat 3 inches of frying oil over medium-high heat in a large Dutch oven or stock pot.

  5. While the oil is heating, transfer your sliced veggies to a baking sheet (or 2) lined with towels. Pat the vegetables dry with a paper towel to remove excess liquid.

  6. Once the oil reaches 350 F (measured with a thermometer), add 1/2 cup of the vegetables and fry until golden brown. Drain the fried veggies on a paper towel-lined plate. Transfer the veggies to a prepared baking sheet and place them in the preheated oven to stay warm and crispy. Repeat this process until all of the vegetable slices have been fried.

  7. Remove the chips from the oven and place them in a large bowl. 撒上盐, 大蒜粉, 洋葱粉, and any other seasonings of you choosing over the chips. 轻轻搅拌直到完全混合. 即可食用! Leftovers (if you manage to have any) can be stored in an airtight container for up to two days.


  • 混合调味料! Garlic powder and 洋葱粉 are a great place to start, 但可以考虑加入烟熏辣椒粉, 孜然, 或者辣椒粉.

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